QA Engineer

  • QA Engineer
  • Tallinn
  • 02.02.2022
  • 17 € - 20 € /hourly
  • Freelance
Job expired!


  • A full cycle of testing new features: from studying documentation and planning to testing the last bug and confirming the readiness of the feature
  • Integration testing of Web/Cloud products with other company products (VMS Server & Desktop Client, Mobile Client)
  • Regression testing of Web/Cloud products of the company
  • Development of test cases to cover the functionality of Web/Cloud products
  • In the future, autotests will need to be checked for coverage of test cases developed by you and other engineers

What technologies and tools do we use:

  • Different browsers on different OS for cross-browser testing: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Edge, Mobile Chrome, Mobile Safari
  • Developer tools in the browser - mainly the Network and Console tabs
  • Testrail for working with test cases
  • Jira for work with tasks and bugs
  • Confluence for working with specifications and other documents
  • Discord, Gmail and Google Meet for communications
  • Fork - Git GUI for working with a repository
  • Virtual machines and utilities for working with them remotely
  • Robot framework - used by colleagues to develop autotests

Requirements (from most important to least important):

  • Experience as a tester for at least a year or a desire to learn and develop in this direction, supported by real actions (studying theory, passing specialized courses)
  • Critical thinking - you most often notice the shortcomings and weaknesses of the products and solutions used, understand how they can be corrected or improved in terms of user experience
  • Desire and ability to independently understand the product / application areas and solve complex issues
  • Knowledge of written English sufficient to work with technical documentation; Ability to express ideas clearly and concisely in writing in English
  • Developed communication skills to communicate with colleagues from other departments for information, provide constructive feedback and defend your point of view
  • Knowledge of spoken English at the level of listening comprehension and the ability to explain the steps to reproduce the bug to the developer
  • Knowledge and understanding of how the Web works - what is HTML and CSS, how HTTP and HTTPS differ, how regular sites and SPAs work
  • Ability to use the developer console in the browser
  • Familiarity with Ubuntu OS or other Linux systems; understanding of working on the command line