
  • Tallinn
  • Tech & Telecommunications
  • ****620
  • ****@elisa.ee

About Company

Elisa provides a full spectrum of Carrier Services from single connections to comprehensive telecommunication solutions. Elisa operator products enable cost efficient solutions for your company.

We are a leading Nordic communications services provider with long experience and strong expertise in designing, developing and maintaining communication networks. We offer reliable operator solutions corresponding to the needs of your company also in Russia and the Baltic region.

Elisa is MORE than just a telco

In the telecom industry, innovation is what keeps us competitive. The industrial model and the way we work is changing, so we have to and we want to be more dynamic and creative. Let’s think globally, act more personally and use technology more efficiently!

Elisa Up (previously Elisa Startup Partnerships Team) was founded in 2017. However, Elisa had been cooperating with startups for many years before that. Right now Elisa has over 100 ongoing partnerships with startups.

The types of business we are looking for

Our mission in Elisa is to create a sustainable future through digitalization. One way to do it is through developing new products and services in together with startups and scaleups.

We are interested in tracking, digital entertainment, sustainability, wellness, IT services, 5G services... and more. If you feel you have a good collaboration idea in mind which does not fit into any named categories, do not worry - we are open to all business discussions. When you have at least a minimum viable product ready, contact us, and let’s see how we can join our forces!